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Change dates & views. Create and edit bookings
Block a client from booking onlineIt's sad but sometimes necessary - if you need to remove a clients access from booking just let us know.
Client profile explained.The client profile stores all the information you need including contact number, patch test information, client notes & appointments.
How to add client notes.Add client notes to track colours, packages and client details in this free text box on the client profile.
How to Merge Duplicate Clients.How to remove/delete any duplicates using our merge tool.
How to edit Client contact details.Make changes to your clients name or contact details!
How do I view a client's profile?How can I see client information including phone number, email address, client notes and booking information?
How to add a client.Add your new or existing customers into Slick and create their client profile.
How do I delete a client?How to delete a client.
How to add booking notes.Add booking and colour notes to your clients profiles.
Create and add Client tags to your clients profile.Create your own tags and add them to client profiles to flag key information about them.
Loyalty Schemes.How to do loyalty schemes for Clients.
How to buy credit as a gift over the phoneClient A wants to buy client B a voucher or add credit to their account for an upcoming event or birthday.
Custom tags: a new way to personalise the client experienceA few handy uses for your custom tags from the Slick team
'NEW client' calendar icon!What is the icon 'NEW' for on the booking in the calendar?
Cancelled bookings.All about cancellations!
View client profile from booking modal.A quick and easy way to see your client's profile straight from the booking.
How to delete a booking.What to do if a client cancels and you want to delete the appointment!
How to confirm a booking!Confirmation of an appointment via the Calendar or a client SMS
Manage appointments with the Slick Booking ModalView more information about bookings or services and change status via the information modal
What do the images on the booking modal mean?The images on your booking modal change depending on the status of the booking
See booking change history & how to undo changes!View activity log for appointments and revert to previous version.
Mark a client as no-show.Keep a track of when clients don't show up with the 'Mark as no-show' feature.
How to mark as a 'stylist request'.Set your client's stylist preference for services within a booking.
No-show and cancellations visibility.Set how you would like no-show/cancellations to appear in the calendar.
How to increase the price of a service or retail product.Find out how to change the price of something in the bill
Cancel or delete?Find out whether you should be canceling or deleting a booking and the difference between the two
How to remove an appointment from a deleted stylist's column.Find out here how to remove an appointment from a deleted column.
Make, Move and Edit a booking in your Slick CalendarCreate bookings in just a few clicks!
Repeat bookingsSave time when making bookings for regular clients
How to rebook a client.2 smart ways to rebook depending on your salon process.
Print your diaryPrint your calendar for single use view
Top tips for day to day running Slick!Find out some top tips for how to get the most out of Slick in your salon!
The Slick calendar explainedHow do I select different dates? How can i see a stylist's week view? Where can i see text and online booking notifications?
How to have a 'To-do list' on your calendar.How to provide a 'To-do list' you can see on your diary.
Week View - view a seven day schedule for a single staff memberSee a week of bookings per staff member and switch between staff members
How to make a multi-service booking across two staff columnsSplit a colour and cut between two stylists
What do the icons on appointment cards in the calendar meanUnderstanding booking statuses with the calendar icons and modal illustrations
Hide staff columns when they have time off.Set your calendar to only see the columns of staff who are rostered to be working
What is the Activity Feed?Find online bookings, client replies to text reminders and other information in your Activity Feed
Slick iPad / iPhone: zoomingZoom out on Safari to see the full screen
How to see a full day or make text size bigger in Safari on iMac/MacbookZoom in or out of your calendar to make everything bigger or see more hours in the day
Wait list columns in salonHow it works, how to enable and disable a waitlist.
Calendar navigationMove your column or view your KPI Reports, Cash up and Week View from your column