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Manage appointments with the Slick Booking Modal

View more information about bookings or services and change status via the information modal

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over 7 months ago

To see more information or make changes to a booking, simply click or tap once on the appointment card in the calendar to open the booking modal.

Information shown on the booking modal:

  1. Client's Name.

  2. Client's Mobile Number.

  3. Client's Tags.

  4. Who made the booking, how and when.

  5. When the client's patch test has been booked (if relevant).

  6. If the client has confirmed their booking.

  7. Booking date and time.

  8. Services booked and prices.

  9. Deposit information.

  10. You also have the ability to delete, manually confirm, text the client, cancel, mark as no show, edit, reschedule and check out the booking!!

All bookings allow you to...

  • View Client Profile - edit contact details, view/add colour notes, switch text reminders or marketing preferences on/off, add patch test, add client tags, view booking and purchase history, view text reminder history.

  • Pin Stylist - set your client's stylist preference for a particular service by clicking the heart next to the appropriate service.

  • Delete a Booking - This will delete all services attached to that booking. If you only want to remove one service, use Edit Booking.

  • Confirm a Booking - Manually confirm a booking (note: bookings are automatically confirmed if a client replies "Y" to their text reminders so a reminder won't be sent out if you manually confirm for the client).

  • Send a Text - You can text a client directly about their booking (or anything else!) by clicking the SMS button. It will be sent only to them. Please note, this service is optional so will be taken from your free/purchased SMS credits bundle.

Past Bookings/Todays Bookings

  • Edit Booking - Add/remove services, add notes, reschedule to a different date.

  • Mark as a No-Show: If your client hasn't shown up, you can mark them as a no-show. If there is a deposit attached, you may want to keep this as a no-show fee!

    To keep as a no-show, simple select 'Keep the deposit" on the next pop-up.

  • Mark as 'Arrived': When your client arrives, you can confirm this on their booking.

  • Cancel Booking: If client wishes to cancel their booking, you can organise this through their booking modal.

Future bookings

  • Edit Booking - Add/remove services, change the price add notes, reschedule to a different date.

Checking changes made to an appointment!

Check the history of an appointment using the 'view change history button!

To edit an appointment back to one of the previous places on the calendar just click on the icon here that you see on the change history!

If you have further questions that haven't been answered in this article then please reach out to us on Live Chat via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner!

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