The perfect way to manage the regular blow dry clients in a matter of seconds!
Set up a repeat booking with a specific end date and the booking will repeat in the calendar. You choose the weeks between appointments. We do the rest!
NB: If appointment time/service varies week to week then this is not a repeat booking
Create a repeat booking
Create a new booking as per normal, making sure to add a service.
Underneath the selected services, click 'Repeat Booking'
Frequency. Select the frequency i.e how many weeks between bookings. Does the client come once a week or once every 4 weeks for example.
βEnd date. We automatically book the repeat in for 1 year. After this time it will end. If you'd like to book in for a different time frame then click on the 'until' box and choose the date you want.
Saving. When you are done (by clicking "SAVE CHANGES") it will look like this, confirming the frequency and end date.
Confirmation. You can tell this is a repeat booking by clicking into the calendar card to get this screen:
Or check their client profile where it will look like this
Text reminders
These are sent out exactly the same as your normal one off appointments: 48 or 24 hours before an appointment.
Deleting repeat booking
You can delete 1 of the repeat booking series as you usually would delete a single booking. Selecting "DELETE SELECTED ONLY" from the confirmation window.
If you want to delete ALL the repeat bookings then this can be done with the 'Delete ALL' button.
Edit a repeat booking
If you need to edit a repeat booking, then please delete the series and re-add with the correct dates and time frames.
If you need to edit a single date in the series, please go to that date on the calendar and edit the individual booking!