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What messages are sent and when?
What messages are sent and when?

As well as a booking system, Slick ensures you and your clients are kept in the loop

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over a week ago

Throughout your Slick journey, we will keep you informed of any changes to Slick but will also ensure you and your clients are notified of bookings.

Below is a summary of all messages that are sent and received throughout Slick 📤

Sent/available to clients

Sent to/available to you



Unlimited SMS reminders are included in your monthly subscription

Reminder SMS messages are sent to your clients before their booking so they can either confirm or cancel. These are set to 2 days before by default but can be changed to 1 day or 3 days before by contacting Customer Support on Live Chat.

When clients reply with a Y, their booking will be confirmed and a ✅ will appear on their booking modal on the Calendar. If they cannot make the appointment for whatever reason, they are encouraged to call the salon.

However, we also offer the option for this Reminder message to read "Press Y to confirm or N to cancel" to keep your phones free and keep it simple for clients!

Please note, if you have manually confirmed your client's booking, they will NOT receive a SMS reminder.

If a booking is rescheduled to a new date after the first sms reminder has been sent, we will now send another reminder - hurrah!!! And if it’s rescheduled again after the second reminder, we will send another reminder - double hurrah!


Confirmation SMS are a great way ditching your appointment cards! Clients will be sent an SMS when their appointment is booked and you can also send them an updated message (optional) if you have to rearrange their booking.

These messages DO NOT replace your standard Reminder SMS.

These can be added to your subscription plan and costs depend on the number of columns. Learn more about DAC's here.

DigitalAppointment Cards (1).png

To add them to the Essential plan go to Menu > Settings and Billing > Account Billing and scroll down to Digital Appointment Cards.

Once you purchase this add-on it will automatically be added to your monthly bill.


Marketing SMS, Automated SMS, SMS sent from a client's booking and any replies sent to your clients are taken from your sms balance

Our two way SMS system is a great way of keeping your clients updated! Not only can you send Marketing campaigns and automated marketing messages, you can also send messages directly from a client's booking and reply to any responses you have received:

You can keep track of all messages sent in Menu - Clients & Marketing - Sent Messages and Set & Forget

And what if your credits run out?

No worries! Slick has got your communications covered. When the account runs out of texts Slick will automatically purchase the 500 text bundle on your account.

If you are attempting to send more than 500 messages, multiples of 500 will be bought until you have enough to send out your message! For example, you are trying to send 800 messages and have 0 credits, 2 x 500 will be purchased.


Opt-out messages are taken from your sms balance and are only sent to each client once

When a client first receives their first marketing message, they will also be sent a GDPR preferences SMS which allows them to opt-out of receiving more marketing SMS. Opting out doesn't prevent them from receiving their confirmation or reminders SMS.

The client's marketing preferences will be updated in their profile and can be changed if requested by the client. If a client has opted out, you will be unable to send them any more messages:


Verification SMS are sent free of charge

When a client books online for the first time, they are sent an SMS to confirm their mobile number is not only valid but also correct. This helps to prevent rogue bookings. The client can then click on the link to verify their number.

Failure to verify their mobile number will not prevent them from being able to get booked in or receiving other SMS. However, if they have not verified their number and try to reset their password, they will need to request a manual verification from Customer Support.


Email confirmations are free of charge

When a client books online, they will receive a confirmation email with their booking details and any information you have submitted via the 'Edit Online Bookings'. This is a no-reply email so any responses to these emails will not be monitored.

The email looks like this!

There is also your cancellation policy and the option to cancel or book another appointment online here on the second page of the email!

Please note that without this email, your client appointment is not confirmed.


Password reset code sms are free of charge

If your client forgets their online password, they can click on the 'Forgotten password' link. They will then be sent a code which they will be asked to enter on the screen in order to reset their password


You can send payment links to your clients directly from their bookings via the 'Request deposit' button. They will then receive a link via SMS which will allow them to enter their card details and pay the deposit requested. These requests will use 2 SMS credits.

For a 'request deposit' button to appear on a booking:

1) the booking needs to be in the future

2) the client needs to have a mobile phone number

3) the service price must be more than £0


If a deposit has been requested more than 24 hours ago and is still not paid for an appointment in 2 days time, the client will automatically be sent a reminder SMS at 7pm saying the following:

“Hi [Client Name] this is a reminder from [Salon Name] to please pay your deposit of £50.00 for your appointment on Mon 02 Aug using the link below. Failure to pay may result in your appointment being cancelled.
[payment link]”


When a client No shows and you charge them a no show fee via their appointment on the calendar, they will be sent a personalised email which is visible below.

This email includes your cancellation policy and the details for the appointment which the client did not show up for to offer them more information on this charge. This will still be sent alongside the email receipt from Stripe for their records!



All messages received here are free. However, replying to them is taken from your sms balance.

In your activity feed, you will see all replies to your SMS reminders, SMS confirmations and Marketing messages sent by you manually.

You will also be notified of any clients who have booked or cancelled online and deposit payments (following a deposit request)


If you are new to Slick or you have had your login reset, you will receive a login email with a temporary password. Copy the password, click on the login link then paste the password when prompted. You will then be able to create a more memorable password.


When you get an online booking, notifications will arrive in your business email inbox.

Whoever has access to that email can now see notifications so the team stays informed and up to date with new bookings! Staff members enabled for online booking will also receive their own emails to their inbox.


All support, education and training at Slick is free of charge!

If you have a question about Slick, no matter how big or small, get in contact with us via Live Chat! Response time is usually less than 2 minutes and it is the quickest way to solve any problem or suggest new features you would like to see!

Try it out - send us a message via the chat bubble on the bottom right of this page. We'd love to say hello!

If you have further questions that haven't been answered in this article then please reach out to us on Live Chat via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner!

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