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Online booking Notifications

How to set up notifications for you and / or the staff member who is being booked

Rob Smith avatar
Written by Rob Smith
Updated over a week ago

Got an online booking? We will notify you by email.


When you receive an online booking you will be notified via email direct to your inbox.

Notifications will arrive in your business email inbox alongside all other client communications. Whoever has access to that email can now see notifications so the team stays informed and up to date with new bookings!

Staff members will also receive their online booking notifications right into their inbox of the email that is assigned to them under staff access and column setup.

How can I change my business email?

To change your business email that receives all of your notifications please go to menu - online booking, E-voucher and payments - email alerts.

Which email do my staff receive their notifications on?

The notification emails will be sent to the email assigned under staff access and column setup.

If you need to change this email for a staff member please send the support team a message via the live chat including the staff name and the current email you need to change. Our team will get this field cleared for you to add the new email!

Can I turn off my staff email notifications for online bookings?

Yes. If you don't want staff receiving online booking notifications via email then please send the support team a message via the live chat and they can disable this for you. Please note, staff email notifications are either enabled for all staff or disabled.

If you have further questions that haven't been answered in this article then please reach out to us on Live Chat via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner!

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