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SMS Reminder Bolt On

Customise your SMS appointment reminder to communicate important information to your clients

Rob Smith avatar
Written by Rob Smith
Updated over 2 months ago

Every Slick subscription plan comes with free, unlimited SMS reminders.

Check out Ty talking about what the bolt on is and how to enable it here!

Many businesses want to send additional information such as cancellation policies or other important information. This is super important around key times of the year such as Christmas or with key events in salon eg, moving location.

What could I send?

  • 🚨Cancellation policy: send a recap of your policy or link to your website

  • 🚗 Pre-visit information: instructions to clients on parking, patch test info, drinks menu and more

  • 🎁 Upsell: use the Bolt On to tell people about new Gift Sets or retail ranges

  • 👀Consultation Forms: send them their Consultation form to fill in advance

  • 💰 Offers: reminder of retail or promotional offers you have available

How do I set these up?

Head to Clients and Marketing and Reminders and slide the toggle ON next to Reminder Bolt On.

You can choose from 3 templates or create your own custom message.

To turn off, simply slide the toggle to OFF.

How will this appear to my client?

On the right hand side you can see a template of the message your client will receive with your Bolt On.

How are these charged?

The SMS Bolt On are charged per text message sent and these are deducted from your SMS Marketing Credit balance.

You can see how may credits each Bolt On will use. This will be determined by the length of your message and the number of characters. The fewer words you use, the less messages it will take.

If you use up your SMS Credit balance then you account will be auto topped up to ensure you have sufficient credits to keep sending the Bolt On to your clients. Depending on the number of Credits required, your account will be topped up with 500 credits at £30 plus VAT.

This information is on the (i) tooltip here on Slick. These purchases are non-refundable.

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