Please note - to make changes to any part of SlickPay card reader transaction, you will need to refund the whole amount.
Step by step
Go to Menu - Daily cash up - scroll down to 'client bills'. Find the client bill you wish to make changes to.
click on 'Edit/refund'
If you select 'Refund the payment' then the refund will be processed to the client.
If you select 'Edit the bill' you will then see this prompt.
This is to ensure that if you are looking to amend the bill, you have the client present to re-process this charge.
If you select 'Yes, client is present' then you will be taken to the check out page to amend the bill and then take the payment again.
You do this by clicking 'Re check out' under the client bills section again.
If you select 'No, client is not present' then you will be shown this window.
If you wish to proceed with the edit - You can refund the transaction and then charge the client again using their stored card on file.
If the client has no card on file, you can send them a payment link direct to their mobile phone to pay the correct amount.