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Slick's Feature Release Timeline (Current Version ID: E7a7a1870)

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over 11 months ago

Our regular exciting releases not only bring you the latest features but also ensure that the system continues to offer the slickest experience.

March 2024 - We've changed how we communicate our Version updates. Check out our change log here for the recent AND upcoming changes. 💜

October 2023 (ID: E7a7a1870)


Online booking settings - Customise your online booking to your hearts content - change the colour scheme, control what slots are shown or extend the availability window out to cover the festive period - it can all be done here.

Time off report - You can toggle the time used between days or hours depending on what works best for your business


Cashup - When refunding bills, we now show what amount has been refunded to the client vs what has been returned on to their profile for use in the future

Cashup - Your daily float will carry over between days (for our Slick OG's - yes this is back!)

SMS after move appointment - when moving an appointment and clicking “confirm change” it will now prepopulate the sms text box with the details.

PLUS LOADS of layout, loading, behaviour and styling improvements across cashup, time off and settings!

As always, we have squashed a few pesky bugs and bundled those fixes in with this release đŸ„ł

September 2023 (ID: f74dfe51c)

A release for general bug fixing, stability and speed improvements. (Also we changed the time off stripes to a much sleeker gradient - thank you all for your feedback on that!)

August 2023 (ID: 31e198422)


Time off categories - Create your own categories of time off, set allowances for staff members, choose their colour in the calendar and whether it should count as working hours. Additional recurrences of every 3 and every 4 weeks.

Online booking settings - New look and feel, updated branding settings - more to come here so watch this space.

Plus loads of design, layout and usability improvements, bug fixes and performance upgrades

July 2023 (ID: 8ade895)


Self employed Stripe accounts - You can set up individual Stripe accounts for your self-employed stylists, and all payments taken using SlickPay will be transferred to their accounts directly!

Custom bolt-on reminders - Need to let people know where to park? Remind them of your cancellation policy or whatever you can think of? You can add a customised messaged that is sent out with appointment reminders

Plus some sexy new layouts and designs added throughout Slick!

May 2023 (ID: d276346)

General usability improvements, bug fixes and some all round tweaks and polishing!

April 2023 (ID: e3524722)

​Time zones - Clients can now book from a different time zone, in time for holiday season

Reports - Job titles containing the following will be excluded from the occupancy calculation -Receptionist, Apprentice, Graduate, Assistant, Front of house, Reception.

March 2023 (ID: 4c7164f)


Payments - we have added the salon VAT number to email receipts

Payments - sell voucher via Slick card machine


Checkout - Usability improvements when adding a deposit

Payments - Can now add credit on account via Slick POS

Cashup - change to payout report now shows card in-store payments broken down by deposit or charges or voucher sales. makes it easier for accountants to see which part of stripe payout is from deposits vs actual payments.

Cashup - Payout reports now shows amount paid or refunded for each transaction in the dropdown. Helpful for reconciliation

SMS reminders - Text changed from “at *salon name*” to “with *salon name*”

February 2023 (ID: 8eb0f06)


Cashup - New payout report, showing what will be included in your next Stripe payout (inc and ex fees) and when it is due to be paid to them. From tomorrow all salons will be on 2 day payouts.


Checkout - We have added copy to the product search bar in checkout reminding you to make sure that products you want to sell at checkout are under the category 'retail'

Client profile - Usability improvements and all round tidy up for booking history!

Client profile - Copy change from “booked in-salon” to “Booked via phone or in person”, and “online booking” to “booked online”

Checkout - New icon for charge card in file for payment type selection modal

Calendar cards - Layout improvements for clients with long names and tags

Pincodes - New lock screen carousel!

Reports - When changing tab, you do not need to reselect the date - we will remember!

Plus a ton of bugs squashed and and all round performance improvements made!

January 2023 (ID: 9aa5550)


Payments - The SlickPay card reader is now live, take payments in store and save time at the end of the day through seamless integration with your Slick account. Learn more here

Payments - New status screens showing order status, setup instructions, Stripe account status and reader status

Client tags - You can now enable a 1 month free trial to try before you buy!


Pincodes - When you load the calendar, we will automatically focus the calendar on your column

Stock - Latest L’Oreal file uploaded to our database with more client friendly product names, new brand files added: K18, Innoluxe, Neal & Wolfe, Nine Yards, Everygreen

Billing improvements - To comply with recently updated regulations, we now support two-factor authentication when entering card details to allow for automatic monthly billing. We have also updated the interface for when adding card details.

Calendar - Improved layout when the column is wider, showing more of client names

Online booking- Wording changes when rescheduling an appointment to say alternatively they can call the salon if they want to reschedule

Plus loads of bug fixes, visual improvements, performance upgrades and general quality of life improvements

December 2022 (ID: 734f3fa)


Online booking - A help article explaining how to generate a QR code has been added to online booking settings page

Cash up - Renamed “Print to PDF” button to “Print/ Save as PDF” and “Export transaction log” to “Download full report”

Settings - Updated the table on the billing page


Client profile - Fixed issue where some users were having issues with scrolling

Plus improvements to the booking modal in the calendar!

November 2022 (ID: Ee4242b)

A few more bug fixes and general improvements before the xmas rush!

November 2022 (ID: 89bce26)


Stock - “half tubes of colour” is here!! You can now manually add a product or use a product with 2 decimal places for quantities, ie we’ve used 1.5 of this product, or when adding stock for the first time, we have 5.25 of this product in stock.


Digital Appointment Cards - We will no longer send a confirmation SMS for a booking if you have sent a deposit request text. This stops your clients getting a request for a deposit shortly followed by a 'confirmed' text, meaning they are more likely to pay the deposit.

Client profile - We have giving it a little upgrade to make it look slicker and easier to navigate

As always we took care of some minor bugs too

November 2022 (ID: F49a188)


đŸ”„ Custom tags đŸ”„ - Create your own client tags - better identify clients, remember their preferences and keep your in-salon experience tip top by adding your own tags to your client's profile. For some tips and tricks on how to use them look here

We also snuck in some improvements to the client profile, bug fixes and performance improvements!

November 2022 (ID: 7066323)

We took care of a couple of bugs and deployed a few improvements to make things run even more smoothly

October 2022 (ID: 70b5c92)


Manually use stock item - You can now manually mark products as used. Just head to Stock Management and hit the "Use product" button, search for the product you have used and enter the quantity used.


We have added a link to our feature roadmap in the menu so you can keep up to date with what we are working on!

Week view search bar- You can now search for the name of the stylist who's calendar you would like to see in week view.

Checkout search bar- You can now search for the name of the stylist in edit checkout too!

Scrolling behaviour of booking modal- improved this to make it easier to scroll on multi-service bookings. Also ensures the modal and booking underneath can’t be dragged around the screen on mobile/touchscreen.

Online booking- We have changed some wording on online booking - now it says "View all staff availability" so your customers are clear they are seeing everyones availability, rather than just the person they selected initially

To our international salons 🌎 - we have made it easier for you to add clients mobile numbers!

Plus loads of bug fixes and stuff that makes Slick work more smoothly!

October 2022 (ID:54882ca)


Navigation - User name & salon name now appear in the header bar to show which user is logged in when using pin codes

Marketing- Booking source “SMS marketing” - Bookings report now shows the number of clients who booked via the booking link in your blast SMS campaigns

Calendar sync - Allows a stylist to have read only access of their own bookings & client/booking notes by syncing with their Apple/Google cal. This can be setup from the Stylist profile in Staff access & columns

Coming soon - In store payments and staff targets where staff members will be able to see their own figures and managers can set and track targets per staff member.


Reports - Revenue and Payments reports now hide any stylists who have ÂŁ0 revenue, making it clearer and easier to read

Stock management - no risk of errors when deleting a product. There is now a “are you sure you want to delete” popup, rather than just deleting it

Dark mode 😈 - a bunch of improvements in online settings and client profile for those customers using our favourite mode


Issue where user was seeing a blank white screen

Week view - only displaying calendar from the afternoon. Has now been fixed so behaves the same as day view

A few rare cases of sms not sending when clients had replied STOP (regardless of their preferences in Slick). We now surface that the client has opted out in client profile and when trying to send sms

Plus loads of other general quality of life improvements!

September 2022 (ID:c8a670f)

Small update to increase the loading speed of reports!

August 2022 (ID:Be01991)


Pincodes - You can now set up pincode access to your salon, lock your screen and identify who made bookings!

Settings - New staff management section has consolidated Staff Login, Staff & Column Management and Calendar Sync sections into a new section called Staff access & column setup.


Auto marketing - Links to help articles showing you how to find your Google and Facebook review links are provided in the review message section

Appointment modal - Scroll bar added to change history for when there are multiple changes

Appointment modal - Client tags moved to end of the client name to mean they are now visible when the appointment is less than 1 hour

Menu - Your payment plan is now visible at the top of the menu (next to version ID), clicking on this will navigate to the billing page

Dark mode - Colour change to “Click here to download invoice PDF” in account billing to mean it is easier to read in dark mode


Appointment modal - Fixed bug where some zoom levels/screen sizes (and appointment modal being at its largest) meant that the entire modal was not visible, we have now added a scroll bar to ensure action buttons are always visible.

Settings - User is prevented from having one column only that is a waitlist. Previously the user could create 2 columns - 1 normal and 1 waitlist and then delete the normal leaving them with one waitlist column which caused issues with online booking

July 2022 (ID: A6de389)


  • Fixed bugs involving receptionist logins being able to view information and being unable to save changes in client profile

June 2022 (ID: 6b51c2d)


  • When editing the pricing or timing of a specific appointment, this custom pricing will remain if this appointment is moved into the column of a stylist with different pricing (previously this would default to the new columns pricing).

  • Dark mode improvements! All screens now have a dark mode theme.


  • Fixed various bugs relating to which phone numbers are considered valid

June 2022 (ID:6b51c2d)


  • You can now edit your Auto Client Connect text messages from the marketing page. We have also improved the layout and design of this page to make it easier!

  • We now support international phone numbers for texts, deposit requests and reminders. To indicate a non-UK number, select from the dropdown in the client profile


  • In sent auto messages, clients are sorted by those with the most visits at the top

  • Some layout changes to the Online booking setting page. We have moved your online booking toggle and URL to the top of the page. No-show protection won’t be visible if deposits are enabled

  • Copy changes to say vouchers/deposits “redeemed” rather than “used”

  • Client profile was showing as no future appointment while client list was showing as having a future appointment. This was because the client list was including future appointments with a waitlist (which isn’t guaranteed), this has been updated so waitlist appointments are not included and client profile and client list match.

Various bug fixes and quality of life improvements!

June 2022 (ID: Ef5b2d6)


  • Prompt clients to rebook with new automated text sent the day after their visit if they do not already have a future appointment.

  • Set up your Texts to top up automatically when your balance is insufficient

  • Keep track of your text message balance with new “texts remaining” counter in calendar header bar

  • Text your clients quicker when on the calendar screen with the new “Send Texts” shortcut button

  • Top up your texts from the calendar page with the new “buy more texts” button

  • Client tags, Booking notes and client notes can be viewed in checkout

  • You can now view the totals of your outstanding deposits and search for specific clients with the introduction of totals and a new search bar at the top of the client deposits page


  • Click anywhere outside to close appointment

  • Cancelled appointments can now be set to disappear from the calendar - using the same switch in calendar settings to “hide no-shows from view”

  • Client tags can be seen on the outside of appointment cards

  • Booking notes will now be sent when calendar is synced with read-only iCal

  • “Void” button in cashup has been renamed to “Refund/Edit”

  • We have renamed “Card via Slick” to “SlickPay via Stripe”

  • Sent messages are now grouped by month, and then by message type

  • Deposit requests are included and available to view in 1-to-1 sent messages

  • Design changes when sending a text from an appointment in the calendar

  • When adding stock manually, you can now add the brand, sub-brand and barcode

October 2021 (ID: b0681e1)


  • Self-employed daily cash up: separate daily takings by staff member and employment type

  • Track cancellations in client profile to see naughty clients that should pay a deposit next time

  • Merge all button: keep on track of duplicate clients and keep your database tidy

  • New cancellation list: see number of no shows and cancellations in marketing screen to allow you to message cancelled clients


  • Patch tests can be toggled by category in settings

  • Deleted services do not show in Service Price List

  • All replies to messages via Activity Feed now send even if spam limit is exceeded

  • Appointment Start Time Brought Forward 1 Hour When Rebooking After Daylight Saving Ends

  • Use Voucher at checkout: now can use decimal amount

  • Waitlist columns hidden when 'hide non-working staff' is switched on

  • Date Picker cut off For 8, 9 & 10 Week on Chrome

Sept 2021 (ID: 62066cb)


  • “Auto Client Connect” tab in Clients & Marketing: displays options for auto marketing messages, shows which ones are on/off and what the messages say

  • Sent Messages in Marketing: combines both manual sent messages and auto sent messages, with a tab for each


  • Using the reschedule button in week view now changes the date and time as expected

  • Using the re-book feature before checkout now allows you to update the date and time as expected

  • Clicking on “mark as read” in activity feed no longer opens a compose SMS box

  • Dark Mode: voucher value can now be seen

Q3 2021 (ID: C3e36e3)


  • Record Cancellations - Mark appointments as cancelled and rebook for next time / send rebook SMS inviting client to rebook

  • Track Cancellations - Appointments table in Staff KPI now shows number of appointments cancelled, value of cancelled, and value of no-show/cancelled combined

  • Rebook before checkout - You can now rebook before checkout, which means their next appointment will be shown on their email receipt

  • View/print service price list - A new menu item showing a nice clear table of service prices by role & stylist

  • Icon on bookings for ‘deposit requested’ - When a deposit request is sent, you will now see DR on the booking so easy to spot who has / hasn’t been sent a request. This will turn into a 'ÂŁ' when a deposit is received

  • Patch test info on modal - For appointments booked online, we now display on the booking if a patch test has been booked and what date/time for


  • Request deposit - Now defaults to 50% upfront, with option of custom amount underneath

  • Checkout multiple retail products - Previously a dropdown box, you can now enter any amount you like at checkout

  • Merge duplicate clients - New bucket in Clients & Marketing showing how many duplicate clients you have and navigation to merge duplicates screen.

  • Print stock list - Total cost and retail value now added at the top of the print out

  • Edit booking confirm changes - When editing a booking, if you press X to close, previously it would save your changes automatically - now it asks you to confirm


  • Cashup double void

  • Cashup date range card figures wrong

  • Accidental bulk delete clients

  • No results when filtering clients in marketing

  • Re-book before checkout now shows current bookings

Q3 2021 (ID: Be1cf1b)

New Features:

  • Additional Deposit Request SMS: If a deposit has been requested more than 24 hours ago and it hasn't been paid for an appointment in 2 days time, the client will automatically be send another SMS at 7pm saying:
    ​“Hi [Client Name] this is a reminder from [Salon Name] to please pay your deposit of £50.00 for your appointment on Mon 02 Aug using the link below. Failure to pay may result in your appointment being cancelled.
    ​[payment link]”

  • Limit online bookings: You can now limit how far in advance clients can book online. Head to Menu - Online Bookings & Payments- Edit Online Settings to submit your preferences


  • Activity Feed notifications now loading

  • Error message at checkout fixed

Q3 2021 (ID: f2defae)

New Features:

  • Delete Voucher: You can now delete vouchers from 'Gift Vouchers'

  • Reports: Report for revenue by service and report for booking value by service

  • Tags: Client tags can not be seen in 'Clients & Marketing'


  • Export transaction log from cashup button - fixed

  • 'Arrived' bookings can now be moved

  • Dark mode: client name now visible

  • Time off window no longer covered by chat bubble

  • Layout improvements for Samsung Galaxy users

  • Patch tests: tests booked online will now take up 15 mins and will be the full width of the column

  • 'Settings' has now changed to 'Settings & Billing' in the main menu

  • Commission amounts for retail and no-shows can be entered with no revenue

Q3 2021 (ID: 08b2bbd)

  • New version update - next time we send an update, you will see an 'update button' instead of having to close Slick and reopen đŸ„ł

  • Request deposits for repeat bookings

  • Reports: Future revenue tab

  • Cash Up: 'Voucher Sold' tab showing all vouchers sold to date

  • Online Patch Tests: can now be moved to a different column or time

Q2 2021 (ID: 8db14da)

  • In-salon vouchers! (Selling & Redeeming)

  • Monthly Dashboard Chart

  • Print Reports to PDF: Staff KPI, Revenue & Retail tabs can now be printed to PDF. This will put all tables on 1 PDF

Q2 2021 (ID: 2911e2e)

  • Marketing: number of clients in each bucket now visible

  • Marketing: New bucket for patch tests

  • Marketing: Columns for patch test date, birthdays and email addresses

  • Marketing: New 'Manage Clients' and 'Find and Merge Duplicates' buttons

  • Patch Test: Patch test information on calendar cards

  • Missing Data: 'No Mobile', 'No Birthday' and 'No Patch Test/Patch Test Expired' prompts. Click to edit profile

  • Checkout: Release deposits from future bookings

  • Cash Up: Export transaction log as a csv

  • Retail Purchase History: Product purchase history now visible in client's profile

Q2 2021 (ID: a92339d)

  • Bookings: Print appointments & notes. 'Print Diary' button introduced

  • Booking modal: ÂŁ sign will now show on booking if a deposit has been received

  • Stock: Categories now available (eg, retail, colour, backwash)

  • Stock: Add products manually, which do not have barcodes, from stock management page

  • Self Employed: Identify which clients are employed or self employed and filter your reports accordingly

  • Education: Access our education and training pages directly from your menu

Q1 2021 (ID: a5bd658)

  • Online booking: Clients can cancel/reschedule their bookings online

  • Online booking: Confirmation emails will replace online booking confirmation SMS

  • Online booking: Descriptions can be added to your online services

  • Reporting: Petty cash totals showing over date range

  • Reporting: Petty cash log

  • Client Profile: Merge duplicate profiles

  • Client Profile: add credit to account

Q4 2020 (ID: 8bc7878)

  • Clients: Remote deposit request with Stripe

  • Clients:SMS booking confirmation

  • Stock management: order reconciliation

  • Clients: JotForm consultation / client information form

Q3 2020 (ID: 56354d6)

  • Stock management: V2 upgrade

  • Stock management: reporting (value / volume)

  • Stock management: ordering

  • Stock management: price increase / change

  • Stock management: L’Oreal Partner shop integration for stock ordering

  • Clients: 2-way texting from activity feed

  • Clients: Future Appointments included on receipt

Q2 2020 (ID: 1c8164d)

  • Online booking: no-show protection with Stripe

  • Online booking: deposits with Stripe

  • Online payment: reporting / cash up integration with Stripe

  • Reporting: upgraded checkout with mobile (Apple and Android) functionality

  • Calendar: new UI, layout and speed improvements.

Q1 2020 (ID: bab9f94)

  • Clients: Automated client retention marketing (6,12 and 24 weeks)

  • Clients: Automated client birthday marketing

  • Clients: Automated existing client review marketing

  • Clients: Automated new client review marketing

  • Clients: Automated marketing campaign calculator

Q4 2019 (ID: c103372)

  • Clients: 2-way marketing communications module

  • Clients: GDPR opt out

  • Clients: Marketing campaign calculator (return on spend, bookings generated etc)

Q3 2019 (ID: 2d3d948)

  • Calendar: iPad / Android version

  • Calendar: Booking history log

  • Calendar: Repeat booking management

  • Calendar: V2 optimisations to increase loading speed

  • Calendar: New booking V2: updates to booking flow.

  • Clients: Rebook from checkout upgrade

Q2 2019 (ID: c87c196)

  • Reporting: V2- Salon dashboard

  • Reporting: V2- Staff KPI

  • Reporting: V2- Revenue

  • Reporting: V2- Payments

  • Reporting: V2-Staff hours

  • Reporting: V2- Retail

  • Reporting: V2-Bookings

  • Clients: Client deposits (off-line)

  • Clients: No-show management & reporting

  • Clients: Tags.

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