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Tracking Your Vouchers

Find out how to track sold vouchers on Slick!

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over a week ago

How to track sold vouchers on Slick!

Please note, vouchers will only show in this list if they have been sold via the 'Sell Voucher' button or online via your booking link.

You can tell a voucher has been used from menu - gift voucher tracking.

It will show this symbol under status.

You can see the 'vouchers redeemed' on the Payments report if you want to view a single day or the vouchers redeemed over a time period.

To access this report just go to Menu > Reports and Payments.

Voucher sales and redeemed can also be reviewed from the cash up.

To see Vouchers sold scroll down to the table 'vouchers sold' at the bottom.

When a voucher is sold, it will also show on the voucher section on the left side of the cash up.

When redeemed, a voucher becomes revenue in the 'total taking' section of how it was sold. For example, a £100 voucher is paid in cash. When used, this voucher shows on total takings as £100 in the cash section.

Tracking voucher payment for staff members

For E-gift vouchers (purchased online):

  • These are not assigned to a stylist

  • The payment for these goes into salon main account

  • Therefore if voucher is redeemed for a service with a self employed stylist, then the salon will owe the stylist the value of the voucher (minus any commission).

Please contact Customer support via live chat for further advice on this if you need it!

For vouchers purchased in-store (via SlickPay reader):

  • You will have to specify who sold the voucher (stylist)

  • We then send the money to the relevant stylist account. If no self employed account is set up then the amount goes direct to the salon account on the same next day pay out schedule as all payments!

If you have further questions that haven't been answered in this article then please reach out to us on Live Chat via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner!

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