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Opting clients in or out of Marketing Messages
Opting clients in or out of Marketing Messages

How does GPDR affect Marketing messages and client data protection

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over a month ago

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, which came into effect on 25th May 2018 regulates the handling of your clients personal data. Storing all client information within Slick automatically means you are fully GDPR compliant.

Your automated text reminders are considered to be within the scope of a business requirement and therefore do not require permission from your client to continue receiving them. Marketing messages however are not instantly covered but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

All clients are automatically opted out of marketing as standard. The first time you text clients from your Marketing Suite, Slick automatically sends an additional message asking if they would like to opt out with a link to do so.

If a client does opt out, they won’t receive a marketing message again. All messages are charged at standard rates and the total cost of outbound SMS messages is communicated before you click send.

For more information on GDPR and your responsibilities as Data Controller, please see our blog here

What about if your clients will be getting auto opted out from your SMS when opting out from other Slick locations?

The new salon clients will still get their sms. If they requested opt out or stopped their sms reminders for the other salon, that preference is kept in their old salon Client Profile (which is different for the different salons so doesn't apply to your marketing SMS).

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