What are Client tags used for and how can you utilise them.
You can select up to three tags per client to help identify key information - the emoji tags are displayed in the client profile, on the calendar card, at checkout and on the booking modal.ย
How to create your own custom tags
First, go to client tags in the "menu"
Here you will find the classic tags we had before, feel free to customise the name or emoji (but do note that this will change for ALL the clients that currently have this tag applied to them)
Otherwise, press add new tag:
Choose the name you would like to appear, and browse for the emoji you want to go with it
When you're happy with your choice don't forget to press 'save tag'
How to add client tags to your clients' profile
Access the client profile either from the booking modal or using the search bar at the top right of the calendar.
When you are viewing the profile you want to click 'Edit notes, birthday, tags'.
Here you will see the tags that are currently applied, to see all your created tags press view more tags
You can select up to 3 tags per client, to de-select a tag just press it again
Once you've selected the tag(s) please make sure to press confirm and then save changes. The tag(s) selected will then be shown on the booking in the calendar as you can see below.
You can also see them at checkout!
For some tips and tricks on how you can use Custom Tags, check out this article here
Please note - If you are on the Essential package and would like to try out client tags then please contact Customer support who can set you up on a 30 day free trial of client tags!