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Stripe mobile login failing!
Stripe mobile login failing!

Do you no longer have access to your verification mobile number for Stripe?

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over 10 months ago

If you have access to the mobile you set up Stripe with then please check out the article here from Stripe on how to regain access to your account -

This offers detailed information on the Stripe platform and how to reset your password, temporarily disable 2 factor authentication and further troubleshooting if you still cannot access your account.

If you do not have the mobile number to verify

You need follow their RECOVERY flow if you are the account owner to re-gain access.

For security purposes, you will be asked to provide detailed information about your account OR upload a government-issued form of ID to confirm your identity. Once we've confirmed your identity, you'll be able to sign in using your password.

If you still cannot get into your account you will need to email Stripe directly from this page.

Please note that Slick can advise on processes you need to follow to re-gain access to Stripe but as they are a financial institution and need proof of identity from you that we cannot do this on your behalf. Our team will be happy to answer questions via the Live chat if you need further advise on this.

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