How do I download and install Google Chrome on my Macbook/iMac?How to download and install Google Chrome on an Apple device.
How to clear cache and cookies on Safari on an iOS device (iPhone or iPad).Do a full refresh of your browser by clearing cache and cookies on iOS.
How to clear cache and cookies on Safari on a computer.Do a full refresh of your browser by clearing cache and cookies on iOS.
How to Resolve Zooming Issue on Android Device 🧐
How do I download and install Google Chrome on my Windows device?How to download and install Google Chrome on your Windows computer or laptop.
How to clear cache and cookies on Chrome on a computer.Do a full refresh of your browser by clearing cache and cookies.
How to add Slick as a favourite in Safari on your iPad or iPhone.Create a bookmark for Slick.
How to add Slick as a Bookmark / Favourite on your Chrome browser
How to access Slick quickly as your start page or bookmarkHow to make Slick your home page and access quickly!
How to bookmark and make Slick your homepage on an Apple Mac.Create a bookmark for Slick.
How to turn off Autocorrect on ChromeSetting up chrome and turning off prediction text/autocorrect.