Saving the Slick website as a bookmark/favourite in Safari means you can access Slick in one tap and it will automatically log you in every time you bring it up.
Simply follow these steps.
Open Safari and type in our web address: - this will either bring up the login screen or log you straight into the calendar if you've been here before.
With either page open, tap the square box with the arrow pointing up at the bottom of your screen like in the image below:
It looks like this! ↓
2. Tap "Add bookmark" like in the image below:
Then tap save in the top right corner like in the image below.
Then at any point you want to go to Slick, just open safari on your iPhone/iPad and either start typing "" into the url bar at the top like so.
Or, open a new browser window and tap on your Slick bookmark like in the images below.
Tap the double squares in the bottom right of your screen:
Tap the plus in the bottom middle of your screen to view bookmarks.
Tap on your Slick bookmark and this will open your Slick page and log you in automatically.