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Monthly wrap email FAQ's

Received your monthly wrap email? Find out more about it here!

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over a week ago

Monthly wrap emails are our gift to you to help you assess ongoing some of the key statistics that we know are important to you!

FAQ's listed here ✨

  • When are they sent?

    The first of every month.

  • Which dates are included?

    The data includes the previous 30 days from the date the email is sent.

  • Who receives a copy?

    Only users set with a 'manager' permission level will be sent a copy.

  • Where can I reference the statistics in the report?

    You can check out each of the key statistics stated in this email from your business report. For your key stats on staff check out the report 'Staff KPI's'!. For example, the stat above related to % of your slots filled can be found from the 'occupancy' statistic on Staff KPI - staff performance - Occupancy.

If you have any other questions, please contact our Customer Support Team by clicking on the Live Chat bubble on Slick!

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