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How to customise staff access
How to customise staff access

Set permission levels per feature for each stylist

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Users can now customise feature access per staff member! This will allow you to set up access for staff to see their own figures without seeing business financials or other staff takings.

Currently, you can give staff access to view their own Daily Cashup and you can setup whether they can can view their own KPIs (launching soon!)

To setup a staff member’s custom permissions, you must make sure they are:

1. Added as a staff member (with or without a column) in “Staff Profiles & Access"

2. That staff member has an email address & permission level (Manager or Receptionist) and either remote login or pincode access enabled.

The initial setting of your custom permissions is based on whether you previously had manager or receptionist access.

If you previously had manager access, you can head to Staff & Business settings in your menu and go to "Staff Access Permissions" to see and customise access per staff member.

If you previously had receptionist access, your default setting will be to be restricted from viewing the "Staff Access Permissions" page.

The "Staff Access Permissions" page is where you can view each staff member's current feature access.

Default permissions

The feature access we currently allow you to customise are access level to cashup, staff & business KPI reports and access to editing these settings (more coming soon!). If you have manager access, these will be your default permissions.

If you have receptionist access, and you previously had access to cashup, these will be your default permissions.

Please bear in mind, 'edit permissions for ALL staff' includes editing permissions for yourself, meaning receptionists will not be able to edit their own permissions unless given access by someone with this permission.

If you have receptionist access, and you previously had no access to cashup, these will be your default permissions.

Access to all other features will be based on your previous access level as receptionist or manager, so they will stay exactly as they were!

If you did not have access to client details, you will still not have access to this information. If you would like to change this, please have the account owner/manager contact the team via Live chat to remove this restriction.

For receptionist access, you have options to hide client phone numbers, restrict access to cash-up, and prevent receptionists from editing products in stock management.

To enable these features, reach out to customer support through the chat bubble.

Custom permissions in Cashup

As a default, users who previously had access to Cashup will still be able to access Cashup for all staff and those who didn't have access will be restricted.

However, if you'd like to customise a staff member's permission to only be able to view THEIR OWN Cashup, rather than all or none, you can do this by setting their permission to this:

Staff can access their own Cashup via the main menu OR by clicking at the top of their column and selecting Daily Cashup from the mini menu.

For those that have this access level, the Cashup menu item will be disabled when clicking on other staff member’s columns, ensuring staff can only access their own Cashup.

Once you've updated their access, when they click on cashup, they will see their own cash up for their chosen day/date range, with no option to see other staff's:

Please note, the staff member must be logged in with their own pincode (or email address if pincodes are not enabled) in order to view their own Cashup

Custom permissions in Staff KPI reports

Set permissions for who can see and edit staff KPI reports, ahead of us releasing this new feature! (To read more about Staff KPI reports visit this article here.) This is particularly for those of you who want to allow staff to view their figures without seeing other staff takings or business finances.

To allow staff to view their KPI reports ONLY, make sure their custom permission for "Staff & Business KPI Reports" is set to this:

Staff members with this access level will be able to access their Reports directly from the calendar via the mini menu at the top of their column, or from the main menu. Here's what their KPI report will look like:

Staff with receptionist level access previously will start off with no ability to edit KPIs. To allow your staff to edit their own KPIs but no one else, change their settings to this:

...check out to be the first to know when Staff reports go live!

More custom permissions soon

If you would like to restrict access to client details please send our team a message via Live chat to have that access removed.

You might notice a pretty exciting pink banner under "Staff Access Settings". That is because... we are releasing even MORE customisation of feature access soon.

In future you will also be able to see/edit access to:

  • Client Management

  • Creating Appointments

  • Moving Appointments

  • Deleting Appointments

  • Editing Appointment Price/Duration

  • Client Bills

  • Time-off

  • Online Booking Settings

  • SMS Marketing & Notifications

  • Stock Management

  • Account Settings

If you have any other questions, please contact our Customer Support Team by clicking on the Live Chat bubble on Slick!

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