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How to report on split commission payments for staff!
How to report on split commission payments for staff!

Check on reporting for your split commissions staff members.

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated today

Looking to get started with split commissions? Check out the article here.

Important - Deposits are not currently split and the full deposit amount will be sent to the staff members Stripe account.

We advise turning off deposits for now while we work on a solution to split deposit payments for you!

Reporting in Daily cash up

Firstly, go to menu and daily cash up and look on the right hand side to the 'Card via SlickPay' table.

Where you see 'card in-store' click on the + icon to open this out.

Then do the same on the 'Client bills' section that will open out.

It will look like this!

As you can see above, this will show you sections for the % Share and also the £ Share for the commission split for this client!

The example above shows you a split for a 40% commission going to the business account and the 60% commission going to the stylist 'Steph'.

Filter the Cash up to see commissions paid

Select the filter at the top of the page where the date picker is and choose 'Business view' from the drop down list to see what has been sent to the salon Stripe account.

You can then use the same drop down list to select an individual staff member and view their commission split in the same table!

What about multiple split across multiple stylists?

You may see some of the % splits are not the 'commission' set in your commissions table - this is because the cash up is calculating the commissions across different categories.

Click on the little (i) on the right hand side to see the exact split of the payment!

Remember that cash payments will not be split by SlickPay so ensure any cash taken is still split by yourselves.

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