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All About Cash Up

Your guide to cash up/end of day (Void transactions, Petty Cash, Deposits, Tips, Vouchers)

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over a week ago

  1. Note: If you would like to limit a staff member's access to Cash Up, you can do this in a few clicks. Here is how you can set this up:

    Daily cash up page

Guide to Cash Up terms

Cash up can be used to reconcile all transactions as part of your end of day reporting

Items included:

  1. Total Takings: total of all payment methods (cash, card etc) as per what is recorded at a client's checkout.

  2. Tips: included in cash up but not in revenue (as not considered revenue).

  3. Vouchers: totals of vouchers sold by payment method.

  4. Deposits: totals of all deposits taken, including online and via deposit requests.

  5. Download full report: export your client bills into a spreadsheet.

  6. Print / save as PDF : Download a PDF of your cash-up and/or print it out.

  7. Client Bills, Deposits Log, Petty Cash Log, Vouchers Sold.

  8. Cash in till (Start of Day): The cash in your till at the beginning of the day, carried over from the previous evening.

  9. Cash Takings.

  10. Petty Cash Out: record any petty cash taken out, add a note per entry.

  11. Cash Taken to Bank: record any cash taken out which is not petty cash.

  12. Expected Cash in Till (End of Day): what Slick expects you to have in your till, as per the information entered at Checkout and in petty cash/taken to bank.

  13. Actual Cash in Till (End of Day): Once you have counted the money left in your till, enter that amount here.

  14. Difference: The difference between Expected Cash and Actual Cash. This will highlight any discrepancies.

Edit Date Range

To see transactions over a particular date range, click on 'Date Range' then either enter a start and end date or choose a range from the drop down box when you click 'This Week'.

You can also select to view for All staff, or specific staff members, when you click 'All staff".

Edit checked out bills

If a transaction has been put through incorrectly, head to 'Client Bills' then scroll down to find the client's transaction.

Click on 'REFUND/EDIT' on the client bills and then 'Yes, refund'.

This will not process a refund (unless you use a SlickPay reader - in this case please message our team on live chat to amend the bill for you), this will void the transaction.

The transaction has now been voided and the 'refund/edit' button has changed to 're-checkout'. Click on the new 're-checkout' button.

This will open the client's checkout and you can now make change to the services, stylists, price, products, tips, deposits and payment methods.

The check out will remain as it was before so you need to make the edits before selecting 'complete'.

For this example, we are going to reduce the price of the client bill.

You will then be asked to re-confirm the check out is correct, as you see here!

Click 'CONFIRM' to re-checkout this transaction. You will now be taken back to Cash Up where the original transaction has been voided (red) and the new transaction will show.

Where the previous bill in red states 'refunded' it means that this will not contribute to the reports and the client bill is void.

View Receipts

To see a client's receipt, go to 'Client Bills' and then click 'View Receipt' next to the relevant client. You can also view this from the client profile under the relevant booking!

Record Cash movement

To record petty cash, enter the amount you have spent in the 'Petty Cash Out' box and then a note in the 'Note' box. Make sure you then press SAVE on the bottom left of the Cash-up page!

This information will then populate the 'Petty Cash Log':


Deposits will be displayed in three places as you see highlighted below.

1 - Under 'Total takings', these are card payments taken online.

2 - 'Total deposits taken' split into the deposit type.

3 - 'Deposits Log', this will offer information on the clients that have paid deposits and redeemed deposits that day.

Download/Print Transactions

To download your transactions into a spreadsheet, click 'Download Full report'. This will trigger a spreadsheet to be downloaded, as you see here.

To print your Cash up Page, click 'Print / Save as PDF'. This will trigger a preview PDF that you can download/save and then print from your downloads folder.

Note - This will print your cash up page AND the client bills section.

To edit the printing and ensure you print only the cash up and NOT the client bills, please edit the 'Pages' section you see on the print pop up window. This will allow you to select 'custom' and then only print pages 1-2.

If you have further questions that haven't been answered in this article then please reach out to us on Live Chat via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner!

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