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Calculating staff commission and wages
Calculating staff commission and wages

Slick can be used to auto calculate staff pay based on commission from revenue reports

Phoebe Davis avatar
Written by Phoebe Davis
Updated over a month ago

Find the commission calculator

To help reduce admin even more, we built a Commission calculator! To find it head to Menu - HR & Team Management - Staff Commissions.

Here, you can enter each staff member's commission percentages per category, simple!

To edit a staff member's commission, simply click into the box you want to edit and enter the percentage you want

If you'd like to check your staff's revenue for their commission payments please do this from business reports - revenue.

How do I see what commission is owed to my staff member?

Click on 'commission report' at the top of the staff commissions page to be taken to the report where you'll see how much your staff members have made in commission.

Can I have different commission rates for different stylists?

Yes. You can enter any commission rate you want per stylist and they can all be different.

Can I have different commission rates for the same stylist, depending on the category?

Yes. You can enter any commission rate you want per service category, so you could have different commission rates for each service category for one stylist.

Do I need to do this every time I want to run the wages?

No. Any edits you make per stylist are automatically saved for next time.

If I want to change all staff % rates, do i need to do this one by one?

To change all staff to a common rate, you need to edit each individual member one by one. Given the varying levels and ways of working we decided to give you ultimate flexibility per staff member.

If you have further questions that haven't been answered in this article then please reach out to us on Live Chat via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner!

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